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7 Must Haves To Keep in Your First Aid Kit

| IvoryGorilla

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Did you know that the Red Cross suggests you keep a first aid kit in your car at all times? It is a good rule of thumb to keep emergency supplies in your house and car. Here we go over the 7 must have to keep in your first aid kit.

After all, you never know when a situation may arise. When it does, you want to be as prepared as possible. But do you know what to put inside of your first aid kit?

You would be surprised to find that many people’s kits contain much more than bandages. Are you looking to buy or put together a first aid kit for your home or office? If you want to know what to add to your first aid kit list, keep reading for our top seven items.

1. Adhesive Tape And Bandages

Everyone’s go-to item for their first aid kit is always adhesive bandages or band-aids. That is for a good reason since the most common injuries you may face are scrapes and slight bleeding.

Keep a pack of assorted adhesive bandages in your kit to help if anyone falls and experiences abrasions across their skin. Another handy item to keep on you is adhesive tape.

Let’s say someone has abrasions or skin lesions that are too big for a band-aid to cover. In this instance, you would apply gauze or a non-adherent pad to the area and bind it with adhesive tape. That way, the gauze is secure and doesn’t fall off or move away from the injury.

Keep in mind that when choosing adhesive tape, you cannot pick whatever one you find. If someone in your office or family has an allergy, you might need hypoallergenic tape.

Alternatively, someone may have sensitive skin. In that case, you want to get paper tape to ensure they do not break out in a rash.

To apply adhesive tape, ensure the skin is dry before applying it to the person’s injury. Otherwise, it will not stick. You also want to be careful not to stretch the tape as it will wear thin and weaken.

2. Sterilizing Agent

Before you apply band-aids or adhesive tape, you want to sterilize the wound. If you do not do this, then the person’s injury is likely to develop an infection due to bacteria and others germs.

If that happens, a minor complication could turn into a critical or life-threatening situation. To avoid this, keep an agent in your first aid kit that allows you to sterilize the area.

There are several sterilizing agents for you to choose from. Many people keep an ointment or jelly, like Neosporin, in their kit. Before applying bandages, you rub a small amount over the wound. It keeps everything clean and safe from outside contamination.

You can also use first aid spray, but our favorite go to is the BZK antiseptic wipe. They are pre-moistened and large enough to clean a cut or wound.

Isopropyl rubbing alcohol is good for sterilizing instruments such as scissors or tweezers prior to using them. As long as it has 70% alcohol content, it will surely kill germs and bacteria.

As a rule of thumb, we suggest you keep several sterilizing agents in your first aid kit. You want to have a mixture of wipes, liquids and ointments/jellies.

3. Sterile Gloves

Another item to add to your first aid kit list is sterile gloves. When you apply bandages or sterilize the area, you don’t want to be bare-handed.

Our hands collect germs and bacteria from everything we touch throughout the day. Before anything, you should slip these on to ensure you do not contaminate the wound.

As with the surgical tape, you want to think about people’s allergies. Though less than 1% of the population has a latex allergy, you still want to be on the safe side.

Choose gloves that are latex-free and hypoallergenic. We suggest keeping two pairs of Exam grade Nitrile gloves in your kit in case something happens to the first pair.

If you do not have gloves in an emergency, be sure to wash your hands with warm, soapy water. Do that for at least 20 seconds in an attempt to remove bacteria. If you do not have access to running water you can use a hand sanitizer prior to putting on your gloves.

4. Pain Relievers

Depending on the injury, the person may require pain relievers. You want to have things like Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen (Tylenol) in your kit. However, allergies are still a concern.

If the kit is for your house, you probably know what your family can or cannot take. But if this is an in-office first aid kit, you might want to ask around.

Have your employees write down what they can or cannot take. Then, make a small list to tape to the inside of the box. If there is ever an emergency, you can reference the list to see what medications to give.

5. Cold Packs

Cold packs go in the best first aid kit list. If a person experiences swelling, you can place the cold pack over the area.

The cold temperature will reduce the swelling. That is because coldness causes blood vessels to constrict, which keeps injuries from growing larger or oozing. As a bonus, the pack can also numb the area and keep the person from feeling any pain.

6. Splints

A splint is a device that helps stabilize broken or fractured bones. It usually consists of a rigid material that limits the person’s ability to move the injured body part. If someone breaks a bone or twists an ankle, a split can keep it secure until paramedics arrive.

7. Prescription Medications

Someone may have prescription medication to take in the event of an emergency. For example, many people have food allergies or allergies to bee stings.

If they experience an allergic reaction, you should have an EpiPen available. Some other people may forget to take their medications, like blood pressure medicine. If this is a home kit, have a few extra pills on your first aid checklist just in case.

Shop First Aid Kit Products

As you can tell, there are several pertinent items everyone should have ready for emergencies. You will want things like bandages and splints as well as medication like ibuprofen.

We hope that this article helps you choose the best items possible for your kit. First Aid Supplies Online is here to help keep you and your family safe. If you want to find quality items for your first aid kit, we urge you to shop our products today!