After a 6-month manufacturer’s back order we finally have a full line of quality Celox™ products in stock for immediate shipment. The 2gram pouch weathered the backorder and we never ran short on that item, but the most popular Celox™ products were impossible to find.
So once again, we have plenty of Celox™ on the shelf including the 15-gram pouch, the Celox applicator, the 3” X 5 yds Z-Fold and their new Rapid. Rapid is Celox’ newest and most aggressive stop bleeding product designed for use primarily by EMS, first responders, law enforcement, military and other first responders who are likely to encounter emergency situations where severe blood loss could occur.
Rapid was designed with moderate to serious bleeding in mind to treat life threatening wounds one would encounter with gunshot, shrapnel and knife injuries. Now you can have the same powerful stop bleeding product in your first aid kit too. Celox™ stop bleeding products are cutting edge stop bleeding technology that are saving lives worldwide.
If you operate a shooting range, hunting lodge or some kind of extreme outdoor adventure you may want to consider supplementing your first aid gear by getting one of our Severe Bleeding Trauma First Responder kits which feature the Celox product as the core of the kit.
We are delighted that Celox is back in our stop bleeding line up and we invite you to browse that entire category at your convenience.