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| First Aid Supplies Online
We sell a lot of first aid kits here at First Aid Supplies Online. Businesses and institutions buy kits for their employees and some times for their customers or clientel. We get orders from soccer clubs, scout troops and even moms & dads. Reaching out via the internet, we are doing business with such a wide spectrum of of organizations and individuals that it is rather humbling.
So let me say thanks everybody, we truly appreciate you!
Having said that, when you put a lot of first aid kits and supplies out the door, one doesn’t dwell on how the products you sell are going to be used, but from time to time we get some feedback that is truly amazing.
Point in fact, our Lifesaver First Aid Kit. When we designed this kit, we designed it with a small business, individual or family in mind. We got a terrific letter from a customer who used it in an unexpected way so I thought we’d share her email to us with you. It goes like this:
“Last year I ordered a First Responder Kit for my daughter as her nursing graduation gift. She informed me a couple of weeks ago that she used about 2/3 of her kit when she stopped at an automobile wreck on her way to work. The patrolmen kept her at the scene until ambulances arrived. She then went on to work where she helped take care of the same people in the ER where she normally works.
My question is: Can I use the 10% off coupon for a gift certificate for her for Christmas?
She definitely needs to restock her kit.
Karen in Flagstaff, AZ
P. S. I haven’t had to use my kit yet, but it goes everywhere with me.”
Although Karen refers to the Lifesaver as a First Responder (which it is) we decided to include this picture for clarification.