As you know from previous emails and blog posts that Hemostasis, LLC Makers of BleedArrest® products have discontinued their entire line of stop bleeding products. This left us with a real problem as we had included BleedArrest in many of our first aid kits. We believe that a 21st Century first aid kit would not be complete without a 21st Century stop bleeding product.
So today we announce that going forward we will be replacing BleedArrest with Wound Seal® stop bleeding product in our kits.
I need to add here that we didn’t just settle for Wound Seal® we selected a stop bleeding product that would enhance the value of the first aid kits that we sell. BleedArrest did a darn good job of stopping the bleeding but Wound Seal takes it a big step farther. According to Nick Wright, Sales Director at Bio Life, makers of Wound Seal® products, “Wound Seal doesn’t just stop the bleeding, it seals the wound. That means that no further bandaging is required.” Nick goes on to say, “At this point Wound Seal® moves beyond stopping the bleeding and moves in to wound management.” He explains, “Wound Seal® stops the bleeding and seals the wound by making a scab like cover over the wound.” This covering protects the wound from infection and stays on like a natural scab so that you can get back to the productive work you were doing before you got hurt. Oh and you can shower tonight too without worrying about contaminating a bandage you aren’t wearing. Pretty neat huh?
As the wound heals, the protective covering will come off by itself just as in the natural healing process.
Because much of our focus has been on workplace first aid kits and supplies we believe that Wound Seal® is an excellent choice for that environment; an excellent choice because you can protect your employees and keep them productive at the same time.
Having said that we also highly recommend Wound Seal® products for your fist aid kit at home and at play.
Look for Wound Seal in all of our industrial kits, many of our first responders and on our website in the Stop Bleeding Category as well.