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OSHA’s Role in First Aid Kit Compliance

| Melinda Christilaw

OSHA inspectors

What is OSHA All About?

Hey there! Let’s talk about the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA for short. It’s a part of the U.S. Department of Labor and plays a big role in making sure workplaces are safe and healthy. How? By setting standards, enforcing rules, and providing training and education. When it comes to first aid, OSHA is all about making sure workplaces have the right supplies on hand, tailored to the risks employees might face.

OSHA’s Guidelines on First Aid Kits:

Now, OSHA doesn’t go around approving specific first aid kits. Instead, they point to the ANSI/ISEA Z308.1 standard as a good starting point. This standard helps businesses figure out the minimum they need to be ready for injuries. OSHA wants every workplace to have a First Aid Program that really understands and tackles the specific dangers of their environment. And it’s not just a nice-to-have – not following these rules can lead to some serious fines.

The Basics: Class A Kits

For most businesses, a Class A first aid kit does the trick. These kits are stocked with essentials that match the ANSI/ISEA Z308.1 standard and are kept up to date with the latest safety rules. They include all the basics to handle common injuries you might see in offices, schools, or warehouses. Remember, while OSHA uses this standard as a guide, their main concern is that whatever kit you choose is up to snuff for what you might encounter at work.

When You Might Need More: Class B Kits and Other Gear

If your job site is a bit more on the risky side, or if it’s hard for emergency services to get to you quickly, you might need to step it up to a Class B kit. These kits have everything Class A kits have and more, like extra supplies and tools to manage serious injuries like severe bleeding or fractures.

In 2021, they even updated the standard to include things like emergency blankets in both Class A and Class B kits, and specific recommendations for tourniquets in Class B kits. It’s also smart to think about adding specialized kits for dealing with bloodborne pathogens or life-saving devices like Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and bleeding control stations.

Keeping Your Kits Ready

It’s crucial to keep an eye on your first aid kits. Regular checks to replace expired items and restock what’s been used are a must to ensure you’re always prepared.

Conclusion: It’s Up to You

While OSHA sets the scene, they don’t endorse specific first aid kits. It’s up to you to make sure your kits are properly stocked for your particular workplace. There’s a lot of help available directly from OSHA, and the ANSI/ISEA Z308.1 standard is a great foundation to build on.

At First Aid Supplies Online, we’ve been helping businesses like yours get their first aid kits right for decades. Check out our website or get in touch to see how we can help make sure your workplace is ready for anything. And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for more tips and updates on keeping your workplace safe and compliant.

Got questions or need a kit that fits your specific needs? Shoot us an email at We’re here to help!

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